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Top 10 Infrared Sauna Benefits

Interested in learning the benefits of using an infrared sauna? Learn more about the top 10 infrared sauna health benefits here!

Published: 1/17/19

Top 10 Infrared Sauna Health Benefits


We all get inspired to take our gym routines one step further from time to time. Whether it be through switching up your workout altogether or staying a little longer at every session, we all have goals that we want to smash. What if we told you we had an amenity that could help clear your skin, improve your immune system, and even help enhance your blood circulation with almost no work on your end? Well, we do. That amenity is the infrared sauna. Here are the top 10 infrared sauna therapy benefits.

1 | Try A Little Detoxification

We hear a lot about detoxifying our bodies through diet, which is a great goal to focus on. However, there lies some toxification deep in your cells which can be expelled through good ole s-w-e-a-t. As you sweat, your body is working to rid itself of harmful toxins naturally. With the added benefit of far infrared light, the infrared sauna heat can penetrate deep into the tissue allowing for an even deeper sweat. That is only half of the battle though. The infrared waves also help to detox on a cellular level. When this happens, your cells are able to rid themselves of toxins that are then dispelled through the bowel and urine. Combine this with a healthy, whole foods diet, and you have yourself a healthy functioning body!

2 | Aid In Weight Loss

Sweating will do the obvious — help you to lose water weight. Since our bodies can carry up to a whopping five pounds of water weight at any given time, this weight loss alone could be enough to get you into the sauna. However, you should note that it will be temporary. Most water weight is lost and then regained the next time you eat or drink; which, as we mentioned before, should be soon since you should hydrate, hydrate, hydrate every time you use the sauna or steam room. The infrared sauna benefits reduce weight as your body heats up, though.  When your body gets hotter, it is actually working double time to cool itself back down. This, in turn, raises your heart rate. So, you are basically getting several health benefits of a cardio workout all while stress is melting away from your body.

3 | Better Circulation Is Better For Everything

Better circulation is better for everything when it comes to your body. While a great workout helps tremendously with circulation, so does an infrared sauna session. The infrared sauna heat will allow you capillaries to expand, which then opens up the pathway for smoother blood flow throughout your body. So, if you always have cold hands, or seem to have poor circulation, give this therapy a try. Exercise followed by an infrared sauna session could do wonders for you.

4 | Wound Healing

Whether it be acne on your face or a scrape on your knee, infrared sauna therapy has been proven to speed up the skin’s healing time by promoting cell regeneration, and faster tissue growth. The benefits of infrared sauna the skin by providing oxygen-rich blood circulation that helps to get things moving and grooving in the places where you may have bumps and bruises.

5 | Stress Relief And Relaxation

Since the infrared sauna runs at a lower temperature than a traditional sauna (about 120º – 140º vs. 150º – 185º), users are able to relax a little more. The lower temperature in the infrared sauna creates a relaxing and stress-free atmosphere that may even help to lower your blood pressure too. You can sit in the sauna and let all of your cares melt away. After an already stress-reducing workout, you may even find the benefits reach you tenfold.

6 | The Fountain Of Youth (Anti-Aging Benefits)

Infrared therapy helps to stimulate the production of collagen. When collagen is produced, your skin tone improves, and wrinkles appear smaller. Since the circulation is also enhanced by the heat of the sauna, your skin will also gain a healthy, youthful glow. But, that isn’t all, since the sauna can assist in wound healing, you may even see a reduction in acne scarring, your color evening out, and smoother skin.

7 | Pain Relief

With infrared heat therapy penetrating deep into your muscles, tissues, and joints, you can cut your recovery time, from a hard workout or injury, significantly down. The infrared heat also helps to relax your muscles when they are stiff and helps them to regain their elasticity. Finally, similar to the benefits of a massage, the infrared sauna helps to break down the lactic acids that build up in your muscles during a workout.

8 | Improve Sleep

Sleep deprivation, or just simply not getting enough hours of sleep in your busy schedule, can cause a loss of focus in your daily life, unhealthy eating habits, and generally has an effect on everything that you do on a daily basis. “Sauna Therapy for Detoxification and Healing,” a book written by Dr. Lawrence Wilson, found that consistent sauna use helps with a more relaxing sleep.

9 | Breathe A Little Easier

We really believe that proper breathing technique is what can help you to run further, lift harder, sleep better, and even relax easier. That is one of the reasons we love to use the sauna. The heat from the infrared sauna aids in opening your bronchial and nasal passages, which can offer relief when you have a cold, or just make you breathe a little easier altogether.

10 | Immune System Booster

As you can see by the top 10 infrared sauna benefits above, the infrared sauna can be powerful for boosting your immune system. Whether you are breathing better, sleeping better,  have better circulation, have released toxins, or the like, your immune system will be thanking you.

If you are curious about how the benefits of saunas can help you or have been scrolling around searching for “gyms with saunas near me”, you have come to the right place, check out the nearest gym location near you below!


Carlsbad, Escondido, Santee, Mission Valley, Rancho Bernardo, National City, Chula Vista, Cypress, Garden Grove, Rialto, Fullerton, Rancho Cucamonga, Corona, Anaheim, Cudahy, San Bernardino.


Grant & Craycroft (Coming Soon), Ajo & 16th, Tucson Mall.


Broomfield, South Monaco, Englewood, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Thornton, Westminster.

New Mexico

Winrock Town Center (Coming Soon).

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