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Yoga & Pilates

Learn About The Heated Studio With Yuko Caruso

Our heated studio hosts classes like yoga and barre. Follow along in this interview as Yuko Caruso answers our questions about The Studio.

Published: 5/20/19

If you want to work up a sweat with a low impact workout, The Studio might just become your new best friend! With room temperatures up to 100 degrees, one thing is for sure—you will sweat. Yuko has been an instructor in The Studio for a few years and has tons of information to share with you on what to expect, what to bring, and much more. Read along to find out if The Studio is right for you!

1 | We are so excited to get to know you, Yuko! Could you let everyone know what you do at Chuze Fitness, how long you have worked here, and how you ended up on the team?

I have been teaching Power and Flow Yoga at Chuze Fitness Monaco in Denver, Colorado since it opened in December 2017. So, I am one of the original instructors who was involved with hosting the open house for The Studio. I have watched how much The Studio has grown over the past 15 months.

Yuko Caruso, The Studio instructor standing in front of the front door of the heated studio at Chuze Fitness

My fitness journey started a long time ago when I was very young. I was always active with school sports. When I was in sixth grade (which is still elementary school in Japan), I won first place at a regional competition for the 100-meter event in track and field. When I played volleyball in middle school, our team competed at Nationals. I started taking ballet and jazz dance lessons when I was a teenager and ended up teaching aerobics in my early 20’s in Japan. I have been through lots of life events. (The biggest one is moving to the USA!) After my oldest daughter went off to college, I finally got certified as a yoga teacher and started teaching right away. I am also certified in Barre as well. I have enjoyed teaching Barre classes for more than two years.  

2 | What classes are taught in The Studio?

We have Slow Flow Yoga, Flow Yoga, Power Yoga, Yoga Sculpt, and Barre.

3 | What do you recommend members bring to a class in The Studio?

I recommend that you bring a yoga mat, water bottle, and a towel.

4 | Do you have to be flexible to enjoy these classes?

Oh no, no, no. I was not flexible before, but practice makes everything better. I truly believe that flexibility comes to anybody at any age. We just need to be consistent in our practice.  

The Studio instructor, Yuko Caruso, teaching yoga in the heated studio at Chuze Fitness

5 | What are three pieces of advice that you would give to someone visiting The Studio for the first time?

Please stay hydrated and bring a water bottle with you. Keep drinking water during the class, and please feel free to take a break any time you want. You can come down to Child’s Pose (many people like this pose :)) or Happy Baby or any pose you would like. Also, please remember that this is your practice and you do not need to compare yourself to others. We share this happy space which is free from judgment and comparison—so breathe and relax!

6 | How often can members take classes in The Studio?

Well, I know some members who come to The Studio almost every day. I know one super strong member in particular who sometimes even comes in the morning and evening!  When I was practicing yoga as a student, I probably practiced yoga three times a week. So again there are no rules or restrictions. As long as you feel good and stay hydrated (That’s important!), you are welcome to come to the heated studio as often as you want. Also, yoga is not aimed for perfection. It is the practice that teaches you to be happy and comfortable as you are, you may want more breaks or to skip a couple of Chaturangas, and that is totally fine.

7 | For members who are new to the heated studio or group exercise in general, how should they plan their workout schedule for the week?

Well, I am also a believer in CrossFit training. I used to do Body Pump twice a week and Yoga three times a week. I would sometimes mix it up with other forms of exercise like Barre. Some people might like to do cardio training. It is all up to each individual’s fitness and commitment level.

I know that many of the members who come to The Studio also go to other strength training class like BODYPUMP or do cardio workouts. If you are new to group exercise, I recommend exercising three times a week and gradually increasing that to four to five days a week.

8 | What is the best advice you have received on your fitness journey?

When I was at the 200 hours of yoga teacher training, a teacher that I admired said, “We can learn the techniques and alignments and can explain anatomy really well. We can also learn how to create an effective and fun flow. They are all important if you want to be a good yoga teacher, but teaching comes from the heart.” I care about my students, enjoy teaching and would like to serve their needs. This way they can leave my class with a happier and healthier state of mind and body. This is my primary motivation and passion that allows me to be a great yoga teacher. I learned so much while I was at training. Over the last four years that I have been teaching, those words still stay with me in my heart.

9 | Do you have any hobbies outside of the gym that keep you happy and healthy?

I love going skiing with my family. I also like to ride bikes with my son and my boyfriend—we are planning to expand our adventure to the next level this summer. We plan to buy a new road bike and go for long rides. I like to travel even if it’s a short weekend trip to the mountains. I have a daughter who attends college in California, and I love to visit her and hang out with her on the beach. One time we did partner yoga on the beach which was a wonderful memory for me, and I will remember it for the rest of my life.

10 | Is there anything else that you would like to share with the Chuze Family?   

I love working at Chuze. Everybody is friendly and nice to each other. I want to give a great big round of applause to our great District Group Exercise Manager for Southern Colorado, PJ, who is always listening to us so we can serve our members better. The team members at the front desk are always smiling and very supportive of us so that we can focus on teaching. I truly appreciate everybody’s effort to create a warm atmosphere here at Chuze Fitness in Denver.

Instructor, Yuko Caruso, and Chuze Fitness members after a yoga class in The Studio

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