5 LISS Exercises You Can Do at Home
LISS (low intensity steady state) training is a great form of cardiovascular exercise that can be done in almost any location. If you’re in the mood to stay home, but you still want to get a workout in, LISS is the perfect form of training for you. LISS stands for low-intensity steady-state, so it is any form of exercise that isn’t hard on the body and is done at a constant pace over a longer time. LISS exercise requires a low-moderate heart rate of about 50-65% of your max heart rate over a steady, longer time, around 30 to 60 minutes.
Today we’re diving into 5 LISS exercises to do at home. At home, LISS workouts are the perfect way to get your heart rate up and your cardio in for the day. Remember, LISS is not an exercise method that increases your heart rate extremely high. Instead, LISS maintains a constant, lower to moderate heart rate over a longer period. The below exercises can be done at many levels of intensity, so to do them as LISS training, you should be cognizant of your heart rate and prevent yourself from going too hard.
Walking is an amazing form of LISS exercise that you can do at home. Simply set a steady pace and walk around your house or neighborhood for anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes. If you have a treadmill at home, don’t feel like you need to run fast 24/7 every time you hop on the machine. Rather, walking is a wonderful way to get that liss cardio in without overextending yourself. Walking is a great recovery exercise and pairs nicely as a crosstraining exercise if you’re working towards specific goals.
Stair Climbs
This is a perfect liss cardio workout to get the body moving at home. Utilize what you have, so if that means you’ve got a second floor in your house, or maybe you live in a multi-level apartment building, throw on your favorite music or podcast, get climbing, and get your muscles working.
Cycling is a perfect way to increase your heart rate without pushing your body physically in an extremely intense way. Don’t worry. We don’t mean literally hopping onto your bike and cycling around your house, down your hallways, and weaving through your furniture. Rather, this exercise can be done at home with a stationary bike or by transforming your actual bike into a stationary bike using an indoor bike trainer. Put on your favorite movie, and you’re set!
We recommend swimming to literally everyone, young and old, because of how easy it is on the body. Water creates a near-weightless experience that allows swimmers to move their bodies without high intensity and impact of gravity. This activity does require a pool, but we are considering it an at-home liss workout because some homes do have pools and many communities offer local pools to swim in.
Having an elliptical machine at home is a useful way to incorporate fitness into your home life. They’re not too big and can fit in your garage or possibly the corner of an office, etc. Like a treadmill, working out on the elliptical gets the heart rate up. Ellipticals are easier on the body than running on a treadmill is, so we recommend this machine as an alternate way to get in cardio exercise without the physical exertion of running.
If you’re considering buying a fitness machine but aren’t quite ready to commit, stop by your local Chuze to test out our state-of-the-art equipment and get a feel for what you like.