Anatomy of a
Chuze Gym
In every city we’re in, we have a fan club.
The city’s best gym also happens to have the best price.

Memberships as low as $15.99/month.
Whether you choose our basic plan or one that includes classes, or even team training, you’ll pay a whole lot less—and get far more—than you can imagine. Awesome gym; awesomer price.

Chuze awesomeness, explained.
Instead of giving you the least we can for the money, we do the exact opposite. Why? Because delighted people tell their friends. Because karma is a boomerang. Find out every little thing that makes Chuze unique.
The Most Valuable Fitness Accessory
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Smiling: Your Face’s Favorite Workout
We aim to keep our perspective and our sense of humor at all times. After all, this isn’t brain surgery. Check out Chuze on Facebook & Instagram.