Instructions for how to use the Evolt 360:

  1. Personal Training Clients, MAX, MORE, Premium Members, and Guests have access to use the Evolt 360.
  2. If you have a pacemaker or are pregnant do not use the Evolt 360.
  3. If the screen is not responding to touch please see the front desk.
  4. Prior to using please wipe down all touch points (screen, handles, and foot plates).
  5. If you are a First Timer User
    • Download the Evolt 360 app by scanning the QR Code on the Digital Screen. Follow the prompts in the app to set up your account. Downloading the app will allow you to track your previous scans and compare results.
    • You will be prompted to enter height, weight, age, and biological gender. You will also be prompted to answer 5 questions related to your fitness goals, activity levels, and nutrition preferences.
    • These questions help build a nutrition plan that will provide the ideal calories, grams of protein, fat, and carbohydrates to align with your goals and lifestyle.
  6. Once you have downloaded the app and set up your account on Evolt Touch Screen select “Login As Existing User” and enter your login information (email and phone number)
  7. Prior to starting the Evolt analysis please remove shoes, socks, all watches, jewelry, and heart rate monitor strap.
  8. When instructed, step on the Evolt 360 with bare feet (do not hold handles). Stand still till weight measurement is complete.
  9. Grab the handles when instructed to with thumbs on the sensors and lift arms wide enough so they are not touching your sides.
  10. When 100% is displayed, your analysis is complete.
  11. Please gently return the arms to their original position then wipe down the keypad, handles, and foot plates.
  12. Your results can be viewed on the Evolt Screen or on the Evolt app. If you did not download the app first you will receive a welcome email to get set up on the Evolt App.

How to Interpret Your Results

  • The 4 main body composition metrics to track are Weight, Lean Body Mass, Skeletal Muscle Mass, and Fat Mass.
  • The Evolt App tracks these metrics for you on a Graph under “Progress Graphs”.
  • Under the “Progress Graphs” there is also a brief definition of each of these metrics.
  • For a more in depth analysis of your Body Composition Scan we recommend you take advantage of your Fit Start.