Our Amenities


Anatomy of a
Chuze Gym

Ridiculous Value

For as low as $15.99 a month, you’d expect a bad hotel workout room. Instead you get over-the-top awesomenesss, no strings attached. For a few dollars more, add classes, amenities, team training, the works.

Equipment that Purrs

Treadmills, climbers, rowing machine, ellipticals. The equipment’s new. It’s spotless. And every machine works like, well, a well-oiled machine.

Smorgasbord of Workouts

Are you in the mood for Circuit Training? Free or bar weights? Biometrics? Quiet core workout? Noisy Zumba class? Cycling alone, or with others? Running, jumping rope? Handstands and cartwheels? Seriously, it’s impossible to get bored. And to think workout studios offer just one workout—and charge more.

Availability varies by location.

Friendly as a Golden Retriever

No judgy people at the front desk. No used car salesmen trying to sell you anything. Just authentically friendly types who know you by name. Who love you in the body you arrived in and are eager to help you get the one you want.

Squeaky Clean Everything

Everyone who works at Chuze cleans, from the owners on down. Like, all the time. Sometimes with Q-tips. You’ve never seen, or smelled(!) a gym this clean. You could use the free weights for dinner plates.

One-of-a-Kind Movie Theater

A real theater with a real cineplex-size screen and surround-sound. Hop on the treadmill or cycle; get fit while watching Brad Pitt.

Availability varies by location.

Team Training: Ultimate Motivation

Like having your own personal trainer, but with the support of a group. Guidance, plus camaraderie. Welcome to your kick in the pants.

Availability varies by location.

Smokin’ classes

Zumba, yoga, cycling, barre, pilates and more. Classes you can’t wait to take, with instructors who make you want to come back the very next day. Take as many as you want—mix it up—and still spend less a month than you would for a single class at a workout studio.

Availability varies by location.

Amenities & Kid Care

Hydro massage, tanning beds, steam room, infra-red sauna, jacuzzi, you name it. And a daycare room that’s not just a big-screen babysitter, but a real service with activities kids love and hate to leave. You can park your child and un-park your body.

Availability varies by location.

Quite often, a pool

Lots of our locations have pools. Big, gorgeous pools. So you can get fit without breaking a sweat. (It’s called the breaststroke, and you do it while wet.)

Availability varies by location.

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