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Bored with Workout Routines? Get 6 Tips for Workout Motivation!

Maybe you’re a gym fanatic who can’t wait to work out every day. You jump out of bed and immediately do 50 push-ups, then run 6 miles just to get to the gym, where you then spend 3 hours using a variety of machines, just to run the 6 miles home as a cool down. […]

Published: 4/16/16

Workout MotivationMaybe you’re a gym fanatic who can’t wait to work out every day. You jump out of bed and immediately do 50 push-ups, then run 6 miles just to get to the gym, where you then spend 3 hours using a variety of machines, just to run the 6 miles home as a cool down. You never struggle with workout motivation – in fact, you actively look forward to your daily workout routine and do not feel bored with workout routines. Does this accurately describe you? If so, kudos to you!

For the rest of us, at one time or another, we struggle with low workout motivation and even get bored with our workouts. It’s okay to admit that you’re not a workout fanatic 24/7 and could benefit from some motivation. If you are in one of those slumps, pairing your workout with another activity or trying something new can help you get back into the workout groove boredom-free. Often, the best workouts are when you’re enjoying yourself so much that the time flies by and you don’t even feel like you’re working out.

Here are six ideas to help you overcome boredom and get your workout motivation back:

1. Watch a Show

Go to the gym at a time that one of your favorite TV shows will be airing on the gym TVs. This is one of the simplest ways to not feel bored as you work out. Or take your iPad – a Netflix binge can be healthy if you work out instead of veg out! Depending on your device, you may want to first check that you belong to a gym with WiFi.

2. Bring Reading Material

Bring a book or magazine to read while using your cardio machine of choice – the treadmill, elliptical machine, stationary bike, etc. Reading will keep your imagination active and not just counting down the minutes until your workout is over.

3. Join a Team

If your main goal is workout motivation, you can join a sports league, or organize a team sport with your friends or co-workers once a week – basketball, ultimate Frisbee, soccer, racquetball and more. Team sports can be really fun, great for team building and meeting new friends! (Not to mention a complete workout sans boredom)

4. Enroll in a Class

Try a group fitness class at Chuze Fitness you’ve never done before. Kickboxing, Chuze Barre, Yoga, Bootcamp and P90X are just a few classes that will help you fight boredom with workout routines that have become worn out. Also, it’s nearly impossible to get bored in a Zumba class. You may just learn a move or two for the next time you’re on the dance floor, too!

5. Have Company

Buddy up! Bring a friend for more fun and accountability. Find equipment next to each other for words of encouragement, or use this as the perfect time to catch up and make weekend plans. It’s easier to stay on track with your workouts – you wouldn’t want to leave your workout partner hanging!

6. Try New Things

Mix it up! We’ve all heard that before. Meet with a personal trainer for new techniques or read about new workouts for particular muscle groups. It’s hard to feel bored with workout routines if you’re trying something new! To help you get started, check our muscle group series for arm workouts, leg workouts and abs and core workouts.

These activities can be the initial push to help you overcome the boredom slump. After you’re back into your workout routine, it will be easier to set new goals and to challenge yourself to run a faster mile, or ride further on the bike. Keep track of your progress – challenging yourself to beat your previous record is the next step in increasing your workout motivation.

Nobody likes to be bored. And unfortunately, we can’t all have the day in and day out superhuman workout motivation. However, by adding in a bit of variety and change, you’ll find it easier and more exciting to get moving. Kick being bored with workout routines to the curb, and try something new!

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